Thursday, June 9, 2011

Customer Engagement

Enchantment by Guy KawasakiI wanted to announce that according to Guy Kawasaki I am an "enchanting person". Just thought you would like to know. Moving on this idea of being enchanting is key for any organization when working in social media and CRM.
(PS. If you would like to take the test here is the link to Guy's blog)

I found a company that has the tools and know how to help people achieve greatness in social media and customer engagement 3CSI. These great ideas come from 3CSI's blog.

"In this early world of Digital CRM, two basic approaches have emerged — one of Monitoring and one of Engagement. Monitoring, the forerunner of the two, is the passive tracking of things like sentiment and experience (whether positive or negative). Engagement, on the other hand, is much more active and takes Digital CRM a step further by involving both conversation discovery and proactive engagement. The result is a direct and personalized communication channel between company functions (such as Marketing and Customer Care) and the customers and prospects they serve. Certainly, between the two, engagement offers brands greater opportunities, while at the same time offering consumers greater value. And while Monitoring can help a company with the broad strokes, it’s Engagement that leads to meaningful interactions with individual customers. This is important because as all relationship managers know (or ought to), it’s measurably less expensive to retain existing customers than it is to create new ones."

Thanks for that insight 3CSI. I wanted to take this a little further in how do you engage with the customer because monitoring is dull and easy to understand. But to be successful in customer engagement you need to find ways to become enchanting to those customers with whom you interact. This chart was taken from Tom H. Anderson's blog  I found it to be extremely useful and much easier to read and useful than my boring writing.

I truly feel that if you can become enchanting and understand the tools available, you will achieve truly great customer engagement and work magic within the realm of CRM in a social environment.

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